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What Questions Should I Ask A Daycare Provider?

When it comes to choosing the daycare center that will be responsible for taking care of your child each and every day, we know this is a huge decision. You probably have tons of questions and are anxious about getting some answers – which we totally understand! At Treehouse Learning Center, we have some go-to questions we think parents should always ask when considering a daycare provider.

Are You Licensed? 

It is extremely important to make sure the facility you are entrusting with your child is operating safely and effectively, and can readily provide you with information on licensing and other important credentials. Here at THLC, not only are we proud to be fully licensed, but we have earned honors such as the five-star Step Up to Quality Rating, recognizing us as a top-tier early childcare provider.

What Are Your Rates? 

Every family has a different budget, which is why it is essential to make sure you know all the costs and fees of your daycare provider. You should make sure to discuss topics such as vacation or sick days, early drop-off or late pick-up fees or how holiday and summer hours may vary. During your visit with THLC, we’ll make sure to provide you with a comprehensive guide to our tuition rates and will happily discuss any of the concerns you may have regarding cost. 

How Do You Keep Children Safe and Healthy? 

The safety of your child is of the highest importance when it comes to choosing a daycare center. Make sure you understand the safety measures put in place for play activities, nap time, outdoor excursions and any other types of activities your child may take part in. It’s also a good idea to discuss any disciplinary measures the center may take as well as emergency protocol. When it comes to nutrition and overall health, ask about the different mealtimes and menu options offered for the kids. Treehouse Learning Center’s nutrition program provides breakfast, lunch and one snack in the afternoon that each meet requirements for food components and portion sizes. Learn more about our provided meals and snacks! 

These are just a few of the important questions to ask when on a visit to a potential daycare provider. When you come to visit us at THLC, we make sure to also discuss our different curriculums, class sizes, social activities and more so you can feel assured that your little one will be in the best hands. We know how important it is to make sure the communication we have with our parents is clear and precise, and want to work together to give your child the best daycare experience possible. 

Contact us today to learn more about enrollment and set up a time to visit our facility. We look forward to welcoming you and your family to Treehouse Learning Center!